From Adelaide we drove all the way to Kennett River and stayed in Fee (Al's sister) & Ricky's mud brick house. It was the longest drive that we did on our trip (always save the best till last). On the way we dropped in on friends Steph & Richard, Nakaya and Taram who we haven't seen for ages and now are living in Narawong near Heywood. The drive back in to Vic was really lovely through lush spring farms, vineyards and serious forest, something we haven't seen for quite some time.
Pete went sniffing around for a last GtOceanRd surf the next day at Kennett River but his luck had finally run out. On our very last day we drove from Kennett to Queenscliffe, dodging bike riders all the way who were on the road warming up for the big cycling event on in Geelong the next day. It was Pete's Mum's birthday so we met them in the park for a lovely family catchup/welcome home for a couple of hours before driving onto the ferry and crossing over to our side of the bay. Once we hit Sorrento we cranked up the stereo with all our favourite trip songs and drove home happy and admiring our natural surroundings of home.
So now we're back! It does feel a bit weird but we've had a great welcome back from lots of family & friends which reinforces all the good things about home. We've picked up our dogs, we've got stuff everywhere the washing machine is going flat knacker and school starts back tomorow. It's been a fantastic trip and we are so pleased to have done it. It's a good feeling to be home. Thanks for following us, now get out there and do your own trip!